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Melbourn Playgroup and Out of School Club is a registered charity managed by a committee of trustees. The trustees are elected onto the committee at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the parents of children who attend the setting.


The committee is in charge of running the charity, making decisions regarding its management in order to achieve its aims.


Current Trustees are:


Fiona Cantle (Chair), Francesca Knapman and Judith Hopkin.


We are always happy to welcome new trustees to the committee and equally appreciate any ideas or feedback you may have.


If you would like any further information on the committee, how to join or just have a question please email the setting or speak to any of the trustees.




At Melbourn Playgroup and Out of School Club we have adopted the Pre-School Alliance (now known as the Early Years Alliance) Constitution. Click here to read Constitution 2013


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