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Special Needs

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Claire Armstrong.


How does the setting know if children need extra help?

At playgroup, we do on-going observations and assessments of the children all the time, if at any time we are concerned about your child's development we will always share and discuss this with you so we can work together with you to support your child. We ask parents of children attending MOOS to let us know if their child has any special needs that they will need support with.


How will the setting support my child?

At playgroup, your child's key person and  SENCO will work alongside you to put in place support for your child. As a parent, you will be fully informed of any actions, support or targets. Children attending MOOS who have been identified with special needs, we work in partnership with the school and parents to support your child as necessary.


How will the curriculum or activities offered be matched to my child's needs?

We can, depending on your child's needs, make a number of adaptations from how we group the children, the language we use, visual timetables, use of Makaton signing, small group work and use of specialist resources.


How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me support my child's learning?

At playgroup, we will use our ongoing assessments to monitor how your child is doing. We will update you regularly with  your child's progress. This will give us an opportunity to share how the child is progressing both in the setting and at home. We will post updates on Tapestry (our online journal) so that you can see what activities your child is doing too.


What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

We liaise with the Children's Centre, speech and language therapist as well as being able to seek advice from specialist teachers too and other professionals too. We have staff who have had training in supporting children with Down Syndrome, ASD, ADHD and Deaf Awareness including signing using BSL. All staff receive regular training as needed. 


How accessible is the setting?

The setting is all on one level with no steps and there is a disabled toilet.


How will the playgroup prepare and support my child starting and transferring to a new setting/school?

By building a relationship with the child's key person, together you will decide the best way to settle your child. This can consist of short periods that gradually build up over a few sessions. If needed, children can bring in a comfort toy to make them feel comfortable and we offer a pre-entry visit. Transition to school will include a meeting with the school special needs and disability coordinator whereby a transition plan will be put in place to best suit the child.


How are the settings resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?

Where funding is allocated, a review of the best possible way of allocating these will be done and shared with you. It can be used in various ways, for example, extra staffing, specialist resources or training. 


If you would like any further information or have any queries please do not hesitate to email or phone us.

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