We can take children at playgroup from two years to school age. All children must book at least two sessions this can be taken over one day.
Booking Information
Opening Hours - Term time only
Early Bird bookings available from 8:30am
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm
Possible bookings
Monday – Friday
From 8:30am – Early bird session
9:00am -12:00pm
12:00pm – 3:00pm
9:00am – 3:00pm
Fridays only
In addition to collecting at either 12.00pm or 3.00pm, we offer
the option of a 1.15pm collection time too.
​Staggered drop off and pick up
We run staggered drop off and pick ups to ease congestion, please see below for more info:
Drop off is between 9.00am and 9.10am Mon - Fri
Pick up is between 3.00pm and 3.10pm Mon - Thurs only
and is 3.00pm on Friday due to smaller number of children.
Fees and Funding
1/2 term after 3rd birthday & 4 year olds - £6.50
2 year olds - £7.00
Early bird sessions - £3.75
Early Years Funding available for 15 hours a week in the term after a child’s third birthday.
Funded Twos and 30hrs funding for 2 and 3 year old are
available too for those who are eligible.
Please note spaces are dependent on availability.
For more information on funding and what you may be entitled
to, please go to the government website Childcare Choices.
Term Dates
Please note we follow Melbourn Primary School term dates.
Our term dates can be found here on our website.